My Stories SA
My Stories SA showcases authentic stories from Southern Africa to audiences around the world. These stories come alive through music, poetry readings, performance art, and more. Each season holds its own theme, episode count, target audience, and identity. Episodes are web based.

My Stories SA – Season 1: Sing Huiskonsert/Home Concert
The “Sing Huiskonsert/Home Concert” theme is tailored around Afrikaans and English speaking audiences with a few other African languages in-between. This season stars some of Southern Africa’s best singer-songwriters who will be performing original songs in a “home concert” style. The music will be accompanied by locally written poetry/stories interpreted by local actors and performers.
Release Date: 16 Aug 2020
Release Platforms: FB page, YouTube, GoSi africa website
Producer: Si-lest Gomes, GoSi africa (Pty) Ltd
Support “My Stories SA”
The episodes are free to watch, but please consider contributing as little as R100 to keep the project going? Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available – get in touch for details